Picture of the outside space

In February, St Neots Town Council voted money for us to update our outdoor space to better meet the needs of our users – internal and external. Following some excellent work by M J Plumb Landscaping St Neots, I’m glad to be able to announce that the work has been completed. And doesn’t it look good?

Instead of the muddy puddles and scrubby grass that characterised the old look, we now have a firm but permeable base with drive-on plastic grids and a gravel finish. Access for all users will be greatly improved, we have an outdoor space that we can use for games, practical skills training and tent pitching without bringing mud into the hall, and our hall hirers have somewhere they can park cars.

Our thanks go to St Neots Twon Council for granting us the money, and to M J Plumb Landscaping for doing such a great job – on time and within budget.

But that’s not all. We are now preparing plans to sort out the area at the back, on the site of where the brick-built stores was planned to be, and the area around the storage container. We hope to repaint the container and relocate the gas cage before tidying up the grassed area.