Each week, more than 400,000 young people attend Squirrel, Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer meetings across the UK. Scouting is one of the great ‘brands’ of our age – familiar and trusted in households throughout the country.
This is an incredible achievement for an organisation run by volunteers in their spare time. Scouting has been able to adapt and change throughout its history so that it retains a relevance to the needs and aspirations of young people. It does this without losing sight of its core values of integrity, respect, care, belief, and cooperation, enshrined in the Scout Law and Scout Promise. Scouting’s appeal also has a very real resonance with more than 100,000 adults who actively support us across the country on a regular basis.
Through the adventure of Scouting, young people get to take risks in a safe environment. Our programme provides young people with the opportunities to learn new skills such as camp cooking and photography. Rock climbing, potholing, computer science, geocaching, local and national citizenship, team challenges, personal growth and international experiences are just some of the things they also get up to. We encourage our young people to feel the buzz of the challenge and then reflect on what that means.