We’re Back!
After an enforced break due to the pandemic, we are back with another Real Ale, Cider & Gin festival. This time, we have a specific purpose – raising funds to send our Scouts to Korea!
We are extremely proud that two of our scouts, and two Leaders, have been selected to join the UK contingent at the 25th World Scout Jamboree that takes place during August 2023 in Korea. You’ll appreciate that it’s going to take a lot of money to fund the trip and so we will be donating all surplus funds from the Festival to help them. Please help us to support them by supporting our Festival.
The dates are Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th April.
We expect to have at least 8 Real Ales, 3 Real Ciders and numerous different speciality gins with mixers; plus wine and soft drinks (free for designated drivers). We will have food available and hope to have live music on Friday and Saturday evening. We will also be running a daily raffle for a wide range of prizes.
Doors open at 12noon and entrance is FREE! You do need to hire a glass, but you can return that for a full refund.
We will be selling tokens to buy everything (card preferred). You will be able to buy drinks and food without tokens, but we will only accept cards at the bar.
For event information, go to https://1ststneotsscouts.org.uk/event/real-ale-cider-gin-festival/2022-04-07/