Meet the Team

Group Executive

Please note that the governance structure of the Group is currently under review. The following information may not be accurate and should not be relied upon.

Our Group Executive Committee, also known as ‘The Exec’, is made up of Trustees who play a vital role in the running of the Group. The Exec has a number of responsibilities including managing finances, meeting various compliance requirements, providing the assets and resources required and managing safety, amongst other things.

The Exec depends on the skills, experiences and opinions of its members as well as the entire Group via our Section Leaders and Parent Representatives.

Adam Wright

Lead Volunteer

Adam’s role is to manage and support the Scout Group and its Leaders to ensure it runs effectively, thrives and meets the rules and policies of The Scouts.

Keith Horn

Deputy Lead Volunteer

Keith supports Adam in the effective running of the Group, providing years of experience in developing the Group.



The role of Chair is to lead the Trustee Board, ensuring the full responsibilities of the Group and Trustees are met through effective decision making and project delivery.

Gareth Howell


The role of Treasurer is to provide sound financial administration, support and information to the Trustee Board and the Group.

Samantha Davies


Samantha’s role is to support the Chair in their role to ensure the smooth running, functioning and administration of the Group in accordance with the relevant rules and policies.

Helen Barnard

Parent Rep – Cubs

Helen is a Parent of one of our Cubs. Her role is to provide vital insight and decision-making from a parent’s point of view, further ensuring the Group runs in the best interest of our members.

Elly Warburton

Parent Rep – Cubs & Scouts

Elly is a Parent of one of our Cubs and Scouts. Her role is to provide vital insight and decision-making from a parent’s point of view, further ensuring the Group runs in the best interest of our members.


Parent Rep – Beavers

We’re looking for a parent representative for to cover our Beavers sections. We only meet 6 times a year and your input is very much welcomed.

Click the email button below to find out more ?

Section Teams

If you are interested in joining our Section Teams as a adult volunteer, please click here to see current Opportunities.
To sign your child up to our waiting list to join one of our Section, please click here.

Nichols Beavers

Our Nichols Beavers are aged 6-8 years old and meet Monday nights, during term time, from 6.15-7.15pm


Beaver Leader

Ewa Fron

Assistant Beaver Leader

Claire Kirby

Assistant Beaver Leader

Sally Tilley

Assistant Beaver Leader

Chris Tortise-Crawford

Beaver Section Assistant

Andrew Thornhill-Brooks

Beaver Section Assistant

Cator Beavers

Our Cator Beavers are aged 6-8 years old and meet Tuesday nights, during term time, from 5.45-6.45pm


Beaver Leader

Rob Whitelaw

Assistant Beaver Leader

Aimee Stearne

Assistant Beaver Leader

Lynda Rafter

Beaver Section Assistant

Gavin Savoury

Beaver Section Assistant

Thornhill Cubs

Our Thornhill Cubs are aged 8-10.5 years old and meet Wednesday nights, during term time, from 6.30-8.00pm

Catherine Gregorious

Cub Leader

Molly Gregorious

Assistant Cub Leader

Harry Brumpton

Assistant Cub Leader

Susan Henderson

Cub Section Assistant

Jenny Radley

Cub Section Assistant

Sophie Ellis

Cub Section Assistant

Harvey Cubs

Our Harvey Cubs are aged 8-10.5 years old and meet Thursday nights, during term time, from 7.00-8.30pm

Catherine Gregorious

Cub Leader

Kris Pay

Assistant Cub Leader

Chris Preston

Cub Section Assistant

Stacey Wimbleton

Cub Section Assistant

Billy F

Young Leader

Hodgson Scouts

Our Hodgson Scouts are aged 10.5-14 years old and meet Monday nights, during term time, from 7.30-9.15pm


Scout Leader

Ollie Turner

Assistant Scout Leader

Paula McCabe

Assistant Scout Leader

Will Burley

Section Assistant

Mike Durrant

Section Assistant

Sophie Ellis

Section Assistant

Emma K

Young Leader

Jack K

Young Leader

Rowley Scouts

Our Rowley Scouts are aged 10.5-14 years old and meet Tuesday nights, during term time, from 7.00-9.00pm

Martyn Wright

Scout Leader

Paul Haynes

Assistant Scout Leader

Ben Williams

Section Assistant

Finn Gregorious

Section Assistant

Jasson Sparrow

Section Assistant