Each section sets its own code of conduct but as a minimum, we expect everyone to follow the Scout Law which is: A Scout is to be trusted. A Scout is loyal. A Scout is friendly and considerate. A Scout…
Attendance at Remembrance Day
Once a year, our Group attends the town’s Remembrance Parade and Service which holds significant importance to Scouting. We remember all that lost their lives including many Scouts, some of which were from our own Group. We expect that all…
Attendance at Camps
Our sections run camps throughout the year, the number of nights away generally increases through the sections (e.g., Beavers may spend a weekend or two away whereas Scouts are closer to 12 nights away). These camps are an integral part…
Attendance at Weekly Meetings
We expect all young people to have full and active participation in our weekly meetings, extra events, and camps. All of this put together is how you’ll get the most out of Scouting. Our Leaders maintain a attendance register every…
Like most youth groups, we use photographs, videos and audio recordings to inform parents of what we do. Most images are shared on our section’s private Facebook groups and occasionally to promote 1st St Neots in the press and on…
Our Expectations
For Young People, we expect: For Parents, we expect: It is important to note that all of our Leaders and Supporters are volunteers, giving up their time for free to support Scouting in St Neots. We have a zero tolerance…
The Programme and How We Deliver
The Programme The programme is a seamless progression of adventurous, creative and community activities. It aims to help young people grow in a number of personal development areas. The idea is that they learn by doing rather than just being…